UPEACE Activities

1. List of Applied Research Opportunities

2. PhD Candidate Personal Information Profile (all information needed for contact will be shown here, password-protected)

3. Course Information:d

    a. List of courses Status (under development, planned, dropped, and cancelled);

    b. Program Structure (the list of Courses and Activities will be available here for candidates to choose from and add to their list of courses and activities.
        Note that there should be a panel to calculate the Credits, showing how many credits they have chosen and how many are needed
        to complete the PhD Programme.)

    c. Publications (these will show any publications the candidate has produced while doing the PhD)

    d. Recommended Reading

    e. Statistics (about the candidates and courses)

    f. Course Evaluation (graph bars/line/pie for activities, by candidate and by year, country, etc for all of the below activities)

               i. Applied Research
               ii. Coaching On-the-Job
               iii. Courses
               iv. Lessons Learned Laboratory
               v. Simulation Exercises

4. Thesis Dissertation (title, thesis description, period, director, support staff, upload documents, photos, videos, drafting schedules, observation, and theme-related list. 

A list of Coaching On-the-Job activities should show the following:

    a. All information for an institution (name, acronym, contacts, locations, etc), Name of activity, dates, location, etc, Type of Coaching On-the-Job (a dropdown Check-Box list with (Government Organization, International Governmental Organization, International Non-Governmental Organization, Peacekeeping Operations Country, Training Centre, Private Sector)), it should have a place for a photo/logo, upload documents and photos;
    b. This should be accessible by Candidates to choose each activity, and one should be able to filter activities to see how many and who has chosen each activity, past, present, and planned; and
    c. Evaluation as in Courses 

A list of Simulation Exercises activities should show the following:

    a. All information for an institution (name, acronym, contacts, locations, etc), Name of activity, dates, location, etc, Type of Simulation Exercises (a dropdown Check-Box list with (Government Organization, International Governmental Organization, International Non-Governmental Organization, Peacekeeping Operations Country, Training Centre, Private Sector)), it should have a place for a photo/logo, upload documents and photos;
    b. This should be accessible by Candidates to choose each activity, and one should be able to filter activities to see how many and who has chosen each activity, past, present, and planned; and
    c. Evaluation as in Courses. 

A list of Applied Research activities should show the following:

    a. All information for an institution (name, acronym, contacts, locations, etc), Name of activity, dates, location, etc, Type of Applied Research (a dropdown Check-Box list with (Government Organization, International Governmental Organization, International Non-Governmental Organization, Peacekeeping Operations Country, Training Centre, Private Sector)), it should have a place for a photo/logo, upload documents and photos;
    b. This should be accessible by Candidates to choose each activity, and one should be able to filter activities to see how many and who has chosen each activity, past, present, and planned; and
    c. Evaluation as in Courses. 

A list of lessons learned with the following features:

    a. Name, Type of Lesson (a dropdown menu box with Applied Research, Coaching On-the-Job, Peace Operation, Training Exercise, Visits, Others), Location, Period, Description, upload documents, photos, and videos. Note that this should be accessible by candidates to link to their profiles and have access to. 

a. Statistics: Overall
b. Course Evaluation (Graph Bars/Line/Pie):
    i. Courses
    ii. Coaching On-the-Job
    iii. Simulation Exercises
    iv. Applied Research
    v. Lessons Learned Laboratory
    vi. Events 

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